• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Zima Filip

Zima Filip | Partner & COO Yottabe l CEO X-Care l Board member of the Cleaning and Cleaning Association (CAC)

Filip is a partner in the investment group Yottabe, where he holds the position of COO and strategically manages the technology part of the company's portfolio. At the same time, he works as the CEO of the X-Care division. With the help of autonomous sweeping robots under his leadership, the X-Care company achieves an increase in the quality of cleaning for clients and a reduction of all resources used for cleaning halls and warehouses by two thirds. Filip studied at universities in London, Canada and the Czech Republic, obtained three master's degrees and worked in international companies such as Gartner, Ataccama and, temporarily, the British Google. He currently deals with sustainability, robotization and work efficiency.

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