• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE
Home page > Konference > SpeedCHAIN > Speakers > Petráš Viktor
Viktor Petráš

Petráš Viktor | Sales & Marketing Director CZ/SK at EDITEL CZ

Viktor Petráš successfully graduated from the Informatics department at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. He gained his first work experience from 2002 in the field of retail in the SPAR chain. Here he acquired a number of technical and managerial skills in the areas of IT and the organization of retail processes, also directly related to EDI issues. From 2007 he worked at EDITEL CZ, after its acquisition by the Austrian GS1. Later, Viktor Petráš took over responsibility for managing the sales and marketing department. After working at Diebold Nixdorf between 2014-2019, he returned to EDITEL with newly acquired experience from a global environment. He is currently engaged in the development of business activities in the areas of B2B communication and integration not only on the markets in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but also on synergistic international activities within the broad European group of EDITEL companies.

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