• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE
Petr Novák

Novák Petr | Vice-Chairman of the HOPI Holding

Petr Novák is a member of the board of directors of HOPI Holding. With almost a quarter of a century of experience in the company, he became one of the key figures who contributed to its growth and success. He started his career at HOPI as the financial director of HOPI s.r.o., where he gradually took responsibility for other key departments of the company, such as transport, IT, HR and others. He participated significantly in the restructuring of the company and in the creation of HOPI Holding, as well as in the implementation of acquisitions. Between 2014 and 2023, he held the position of CEO of the group. In 2014, it also became part of the ownership structure of HOPI. Today, the HOPI Group operates in six countries and generates the largest revenues from logistics, warehousing and transport. In recent years, it has also expanded significantly in the areas of development, agriculture and food production.


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