• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE
Motan Pavel

Motan Pavel | Managing Director, K2 atmitec

Pavel Motan has been helping with the digital transformation of medium and large enterprises in the Czech Republic and Slovakia for over 25 years. During his career, he has participated in the analysis, implementation and subsequent development of the K2 ERP system in many companies, e.g. in the GIENGER, KOH-I-NOOR HOLDING, Stoklasa textile haberdashery and the PILANA organization.

He is the CEO of K2 atmitec s.r.o. and co-owner of the K2 group, which is behind the development and distribution of business software - primarily the K2 ERP system and the K2 e-shop.

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