• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Home page > Konference > SpeedCHAIN > Speakers > Maťátko Václav
Maťátko Václav

Maťátko Václav | Chief Operating Officer / COO, FEE Transport

Václav is a long-time manager in the field of logistics, where he has been working for 24 years. During his career to date, he has participated in the development and building of transport and logistics companies (in the field of land transport, storage, trade) in both the private and corporate sectors. He worked in operational and strategic positions while building companies. Since 2016, he has been the director of FEE Transport s.r.o. with the task of managing and coordinating all branches within the Czech Republic with the aim of further development of the company. The company specializes in comprehensive logistics services according to customer requirements. The goal is a professional approach, reliability and effective solutions for all the company's clients.

Reliant s.r.o.

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