• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE
Home page > Konference > SpeedCHAIN > Speakers > Jonáš Jakub
Jakub Jonáš

Jonáš Jakub | usiness Development Director for the CEE region, aeqoom technologies s.r.o.

Jakub Jonáš has been working as the new Business Development Director for the CEE region at aeqoom technologies s.r.o. since February 2024. His task is to increase the company's share in the field of intralogistics in Central Europe and to develop new markets. He has been working in logistics for over 12 years, he has experience in intralogistics, 3PL logistics and industrial automation. He studied this issue at the Jan Perner Faculty of Transport of the University of Pardubice. As he says himself, logistics is not just work for him, but also fun. In his spare time, of course, he devotes himself to his family and also to traveling or aviation.

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