• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Vít Janecek

Janecek Vít | Inotec Barcode Security

2001-2007 Worldmark International – worldwide company, producer of ID products. Position in the company: Key Account manager - responsible for existing customers and new customers, sales and technical support. Area of my responsibility – Czech and Slovak Republic.2007-2009 Nedelko CZ – part of Dutch company – Brady distributor. Identifications and Safety products. Position in the company: Business Manager.2009-now Inotec Barcode Security, european company producing identification solutions – RFID, selfadhesive labels for different kind of aplications. Position in the company: Sales Manager CEE. Full responsibility of introduction new company on market, including sales strategy, marketing activity and sales.

Reliant s.r.o.

U Habrovky 1562/11 A

140 00 Praha 4

ID No.:49702726

VAT ID No: CZ49702726

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e-mail: info@reliant.eu

tel: +420 241 44 28 21

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