• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE
Marek Botka

Botka Marek | Chief Strategy Officer, LogEx Logistics

Marek Botka is the strategic director of LogEx Logistics, he graduated from several schools and completed his management education at the University of Prague with an MBA degree. His passion is marketing and development strategy. After completing his studies, he worked in trade, pharmacy and then transport in various managerial positions. He has been working at LogEx Logistics since 2010 and already at the beginning of his work he gave the idea to the original software solution that the company is currently working on. He is now implementing his knowledge gained in trade, construction and transport into the brand's pro-growth policy, thanks to which the local company LogEx Logistics has become an important Czech player that offers its customers comprehensive logistics service and solutions.

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