• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE
Marian Arbet

Arbet Marian | Director of the Private and Infrastructure sections, ICZ a.s.

After graduating from the University of West Bohemia with a specialization in Software Systems in 1995, he began his career at AGC a.s. as an operating systems specialist for Škoda a.s. The career turning point occurred in 1999, when he joined ICZ, a.s. As part of his journey, which led through the management of international projects in the field of infrastructure, he gradually worked his way up within the group and now manages the Private and Infrastructure sections at ICZ.  Here he uses the rich experience he has gained over the years. He connects the world of logistics and banking systems with the world of infrastructure, coordinates, helps and gives direction to his teams to achieve the desired results while maintaining current technological trends. If he himself had to highlight the project that gave him the most in his life, it would be the project for Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech, which lasted 1.5 years. In the role of the main IT infrastructure project manager, together with a 30-member international team, he built a complete infrastructure for a production plant with a capacity of 1,000 cars per day on a green field.


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