• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Home page > Konference > SpeedCHAIN > Archive 2023 > Speakers > Ondráček Lukáš
Ondráček Lukáš

Ondráček Lukáš | Country Manager CZ / SK, DKV Mobility

Lukáš Ondráček was appointed the head of the Czech and Slovak branch of DKV Mobility at the end of 2018. Before that he worked for Trost Auto Service Technik from 2004, where he became the executive director in 2011, being in charge of successful development of wholesale of spare parts for both commercial and passenger vehicles sold to more than 2,000 clients in the Czech Republic.  He started as a diagnostic tools and garage equipment specialist in the company. As a DKV Mobility management team member he is responsible for continuous market share increasing and successful fleet client market entry. He graduated from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague with specialisation in road transport.



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