• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Vesecký Richard

Vesecký Richard | Head of the Department of Special Regimes - Methodology, Customs Administration of the Czech Republic

Since 2018, Richard Vesecký has been working as Methodist of the customs department of the General Directorate of Customs and Head of the Special Regimes Department. At the national level, he is responsible for the methodical management of customs matters towards customs authorities and the public - import and export processes and related customs formalities. He is a member of working groups for the development of electronic systems. He specializes in special customs regimes, customs procedures for e-commerce and entry operations - formalities associated with the entry of goods into the customs territory. He participates in the preparation of drafts of legal standards, their amendments and adjustments, including EU legislation in the customs area. At the EU level, he is a member of several working bodies of the European Commission (Expert group for special customs regimes, Customs expert group for general customs legislation, Expert group for e-commerce, Expert group for the INF system).

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