• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Morávek Jakub

Morávek Jakub | Senior Business Development Manager, FM Logistic

Jakub Morávek is a graduate of the University of Economics in Prague. Between 2014 and 2018, he worked at the logistics company VPS Logistics, s.r.o. in the sales department, where he worked his way up to a leading position within a short period of time. In 2018, he joined the multinational corporate company FM Logistic as the youngest sales representative. After being nominated for the talent program, he used the opportunity to gain theoretical and practical experience with the preparation and subsequent implementation of logistics orders abroad. He later applied this knowledge to his current position, where he is responsible for managing business activities throughout the Czech Republic and reports directly to top management. Currently, he is also dedicated to the development of green logistics and, in cooperation with our partners, oversees the implementation of these principles throughout the supply chain.

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