• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Landa Dominik

Landa Dominik | Strategic Business Development and Intermodal Director in HHLA International GmbH

Strategic Business Development and Intermodal Director in HHLA International GmbH. Previously Operations Director for Central East Europe Cluster for Maersk Line and Business Development and Commercial Director of DCT Gdansk. Passionate senior executive with a long-proven track record in maritime, transport and logistics industry. Has been involved in major projects that have changed the landscape of the logistics in CEE incl. development of DCT Gdansk strategic vision and execution of commercial strategy, introduction of first direct call into the Baltics with largest container vessels (AE10 service) and deployment of first shipping line intermodal services in Poland (AMBER and BALTIC EXPRESS). Graduate of Transportation and Logistics at the University of Gdansk, Executive MBA program of GFKM and Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

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