• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Home page > Konference > SpeedCHAIN > Archive 2022 > Speakers > Kačírková Kateřina
Kačírková Kateřina

Kačírková Kateřina | Sales Manager, MD logistika

Kateřina Kačírková works at MD logistika as a sales manager. She is involved mainly in communication with existing and prospect clients, and she is in charge of negotiation of transport, warehousing and valued added services contracts. She joined the company in 2009; before that she worked for several logistic and retail companies in the field of food products sales and distribution (Findus CR a.s., Teekanne s.r.o., Transkam spol.s.r.o.).


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