• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Strnad David

Strnad David | Head of Logistics at ŠKODA AUTO

David has been with ŠKODA AUTO for 20 years already. He has been working in various managerial positions in the field of production and logistics since 2008. He started to gain his first international experience within the Volkswagen group in 2010 when he was given a chance to participate in the development programme for young managers and get involved in the operations of Audi, Neckarsulm. In 2014 David became the Head of ŠKODA AUTO Logistics Planning being responsible for planning in all the company plants both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the position, he managed projects such as the fully automated small parts warehouses in Kvasiny and Mladá Boleslav plants. Between 2018 and 2019 he headed the Volkswagen Group in Kaluga, Russia. Since July 2020 he has been newly working as the Head of Logistics at ŠKODA AUTO and became the successor of Ing. Jiří Cee who had managed the department for 20 years.

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