• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Hubeňák Martin

Hubeňák Martin | Antwerp Port Authority

The Antwerp Port Authority has enlarged the network of its representatives abroad with a new delegate for the Central and Eastern Europe. Since March 1, 2017 Mr. Martin Hubeňák represents the Antwerp Port Authority at the local markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and in Poland. One of his many tasks will be improving the perception of the Antwerp Port Authority brand as well as broadening of railway connections network between the Antwerp Port Authority and the above-mentioned countries of the Central and Eastern Europe. At that, he will make use of his experience as project manager, the position that he had in the company DB Schenker, and as Director for Logistics in the company Vítkovice Steel. Further, he will be responsible for keeping of regular contacts with local subjects active in the said branches and ensuring information exchange between them and the Antwerp Port Authority.

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