• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Hromíř Vojtěch

Hromíř Vojtěch | Secretary General, ČESMAD Bohemia

Vojtěch Hromíř is a graduate of the Charles University in Prague and has more than twenty years of experience in the field of road transport. He has been the General Secretary of the largest Czech association of carriers since 2014. He is a member of the Council for Freight Transport of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the President of its Committee for the European Union. He works with the Faculty of Transport of the Czech Technical University in Prague and the University of Logistics. His activities are aimed at the benefit of Czech road hauliers, to ensure adequate conditions for their business. The main topics of these days are COVID and its consequences, taxes and levies, human resources, the Green Deal and digitization.

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