• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 18, 2024 | BREVNOV MONASTERY
Home page > Konference > SpeedCHAIN > Archive 2021 > Speakers > Cihlářová Pavla
Cihlářová Pavla

Cihlářová Pavla | Director GS1 Czech Republic

Ing. Pavla Cihlářová studied the University of Economics in Prague. Having graduated, she worked as a mathematical analyst and an IT specialist in PORS Praha. At the beginning of the 1990s she was one of the first experts who had the opportunity to gain both theoretical and practical experience in the field of EDI within the Czech-German cooperation projects. She applied this experience as an EDI manager when she worked for EAN Czech Republic; she joined the organization in 1995. The Association EAN Czech Republic was later transformed into GS1 Czech Republic and Pavla Cihlářová became its director in 2006. In her position she has been supporting the dialogue between business partners mainly in the field of retail, FMCG and logistics for many years. She ranks among the leading promoters of standardization, electronization and digitalization. Pavla is a member of the GS1 in Europe Regional Executive Committee.

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