• SpeedChaneCZ
    International Logistic Conference
    September 30, 2025 | PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE

The Czech National open competition OBAL ROKU is designed for Czech and foreign companies that are involved in interesting packaging solutions. The competition aims to highlight and promote the best ideas, innovations and technologies in the field of packaging on the Czech market and abroad.  It is also an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the work of packaging constructionists and designers at an award ceremony.

The application deadline for the contest will be May 29th, 2016. The jury headed by President Ing. Jana Lukesova will meet to review packaging submissions June 22, 2016 in the premises of the International Centre for contemporary art MeetFactory.

As is the case at the global WorldStar for Packaging competition, registered packaging solutions are divided by application area into 8 categories:

Pharmaceutical Products,
Cleaning Products and Detergents;
Electronics and Appliances,
Gift packaging,
POP&POS Displays and

Newly will be introduced a Special Awards Save food, which means a shift in the perception of the role of sustainability in the development and use of packaging and packaging technologies itselves.

Successful participants in this category will be able to exhibit their packaging solutions at Interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf free of charge.

Company representatives of awarded exhibits in the OBAL ROKU 2016 competition will receive the trophies and certificates on SpeedChain at the Packaging Congress.

Several exhibits will also be selected to receive the special "Jury Chair Award" reserved for the best-of-the best packaging solutions. Recipients of the "Jury Chair 2016 Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards” will also be announced during the award ceremony.

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