SpeedCHAIN International logistics conference features the leading Central European platform connecting logistics professionals across the entire supply chain. It traditionally offers more than seven hundred participants a combination of the most contemporary information from practice in the form of expert lectures, panel discussions, case studies, demonstrations of selected technological innovations and social networking.
The conference traditionally reflects key current topics that shape the entire supply chain. It concerns both the efficiency and safety of logistics processes, as well as the capability of state-of-the-art technology and the requirements of contemporary society. SpeedCHAIN therefore offers a wide selection of sections running in parallel, which are simultaneously interpreted CZE/ENG in view of the high international participation.
Stisknutím tlačítka „Souhlasím“ souhlasíte s tím, abychom Vám poskytovali smysluplné a užitečné služby na základě Vašich údajů o sledování procházení webu.
Svůj souhlas můžete samozřejmě kdykoli změnit v části „Nastavení“.
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